Saturday, September 8, 2012

All in....

Taking suggestions, talking with like minded friends who are real friends, listening to advice, praying, going to meetings, being honest and openedminded, helping someone else, all on a daily basis....  Yeah, I'm all in! !   What works just simply works.... What do you do?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Living on a prayer ......

Living on a prayer....

Hold on to what we got
We got each other and that's a lot.  Well give it a shot.  Halfway there living on a prayer. Bon Jovi circa 1986....
While in rehab, I got down on my knees and prayed to God with all my earnestness, please God lift the obsession from me and protect me from my affliction.  I know that I meant it.  Thirty-six years old, having a heart attack was not along the normal scheme of things.  Why me?   Why not me? I lived as if I didn't have a care in the world.  Health issues?  Nah not me....never that.  It really didn't seem like anything significant at the time.  Although I was very serious about it.  The next day I couldn't believe how I felt.  A glimmer of hope maybe, a relief of affliction possibly.  I just don't know. I stood firm on not taking suboxone or Trazadone or anything else.  I even watched my coffee consumption.  Although it was a concentrated effort, something was different.  I began reading my Bible again, proverbs and psalms....
After coming out of rehab, I thought for sure the obsession would come back... I prepared the whole time by thanking him for keeping it away and asked him to continue to keep it away...  And as hours turned to days... I continued with it.  Now that a few twenty fours have gone by it just seems that it has never come back.  Triggers, others using, old spots ect. not to this day....but I keep it real simple and follow the suggestions of the twelve step fellowship.  I don't always understand how this has happened but I am sure that it has. 
I thank God for other things and pray in other ways today but
I'll never forget to pray to keep the obsession away.