Thursday, September 6, 2012

Living on a prayer ......

Living on a prayer....

Hold on to what we got
We got each other and that's a lot.  Well give it a shot.  Halfway there living on a prayer. Bon Jovi circa 1986....
While in rehab, I got down on my knees and prayed to God with all my earnestness, please God lift the obsession from me and protect me from my affliction.  I know that I meant it.  Thirty-six years old, having a heart attack was not along the normal scheme of things.  Why me?   Why not me? I lived as if I didn't have a care in the world.  Health issues?  Nah not me....never that.  It really didn't seem like anything significant at the time.  Although I was very serious about it.  The next day I couldn't believe how I felt.  A glimmer of hope maybe, a relief of affliction possibly.  I just don't know. I stood firm on not taking suboxone or Trazadone or anything else.  I even watched my coffee consumption.  Although it was a concentrated effort, something was different.  I began reading my Bible again, proverbs and psalms....
After coming out of rehab, I thought for sure the obsession would come back... I prepared the whole time by thanking him for keeping it away and asked him to continue to keep it away...  And as hours turned to days... I continued with it.  Now that a few twenty fours have gone by it just seems that it has never come back.  Triggers, others using, old spots ect. not to this day....but I keep it real simple and follow the suggestions of the twelve step fellowship.  I don't always understand how this has happened but I am sure that it has. 
I thank God for other things and pray in other ways today but
I'll never forget to pray to keep the obsession away. 

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