Thursday, August 30, 2012

Keep it simple...

I live to complicate everything, I love to complicate everything.  Staying in the moment or doing the next right thing is the rule of thumb.  My emotional brain is always in constant conflict with my core being.  Logically I want to save my skin.  Emotionally I want to save my face.

If you receive information then you are not projecting but it you are affected by the person or situation then you are projecting
When projection comes into play then you are setting the sides or insides of a disowned or defected part of ourselves.

Possible that stressful reactions to stressors could be directly correlated with emotional state of mind.  The parasite that my emotional function is effected by is  definitely a combination of reliance of my own cumulative experience and what my conscience actions are fEd by either negative or positive. To completely extinguish the bad actions one must completely eradicate themselves from past negative experience and to fully become aware of my shortcomings to deal with the emotional self as it stands.

This is not easy and it will take alot if practice.  Daily practice.


  1. I think I need to commit myself to a psych ward. Something just isn't right. Aw man. I can't make any friends at the meetings. I don't want to quit.

  2. Isn't there an easier way?

  3. I no I never will stop being which I am ...

  4. We may not stop being but we can certainly manage or emotional self better
