Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Need a map? How do you start your day?

If you did what you could, your day would be good...
Take into consideration that everything you have done in active addiction has led you to a point where just getting out of bed could be troublesome.  Having a bad morning has led to many bad days and is a great risk for relapse.  If your like me physical pain is a real obstacle.  Other people in your home could also be obstacles. 
A good start is to discipline yourself.  Setting yourself up the night before could be the key to success. 
Just like getting your clothes ready the night before, get your recovery ready. Make a list of things you should do.  Don't be afraid to constantly adjust the list based on what works for you. If you forget something, that's ok to.  You are still in the process of recovery, no one on this path is perfect.  When that alarm goes off I am on autopilot.  The more I train my brain the better off I am.  Get the rest you need. Allow yourself the sleep you deserve.  Avoid sleep aids unless you are under the care of a doctor, who knows your full condition.  Rely on natural remedies such as tea or over the counter melatonin as safer alternatives.  Most unnatural aids leave you groggy or foggy in the morning and defeat the purpose of a good nights sleep.  Taking over the counter pain medication just prior to bed could help relieve some of the morning aches and pains that make waking up hard.  Prayer and meditation assists most people in recovery at bed time and in the waking moments if the day.
Seeing the reading materials that assist in my recovery helps to remind me that I should read them.  Put them somewhere close, or if you spend time in the bathroom put them there or on the table where you drink your tea or morning coffee. If your house is total chaos in the morning... then find the time by waking up earlier then the chaos or a quieter time or spot.  The car, the basement, the bathroom at work, any where, if the procedure to start your day is delayed slightly it is still the effort that your recovery needs.  This is the new gratification that you must look forward to... You new habit will become something that you look forward to. If you don't do it you will notice the differences immediately.

Calling people such as your sponsor or support group is also highly recommended. 

Just remember if your day stats off bad you and only you can restart it at any moment throughout the day.  We don't have bad days in recovery unless we allow it... Just simply bad moments.

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