Thursday, August 23, 2012

Try, try, try again!

Getting knocked down is just simply life on lifes terms.  No one had maintained perfect adherence to these principles.  Having heard this over and over in this process can feel monotonous.  Reality check is definitely needed. 
I am one of the unfortunates that has chronically relapsed over and over.  Now that I have a few days under my belt,I have forgiven myself for that but others are not so forgiving.  Acceptance of self is again the key to recovery.  Of course I will make mistakes in this process.  Pencils have erasers.  The point is that at least I am aware of my part in the actions or more likely the reactions to life.  Remembering that I can only constantly attempt to do the next right thing and seek counsel from those who suffer from the same malady.  But who can not admit that the impulse to act as one always has is prevalent and likely.  Wiping the slate clean"tabula rasa"and starting anew is tough.  Practicing is crucial.  Awareness of self is required.  A process based in action. 

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